Can't create new C++ project

Every time I try to create a C++ project, I get the following error message (slightly edited to replace my actual username with “UserName”):

The project could not be compiled. Would you like to open it in Xcode?

Running Mono...

Setting up Mono
/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.14/Engine /Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.14/Engine/Binaries/Mac
Compiling with non-standard Xcode (xcode-select): /Applications/Xcode
Compiling with MacOSX SDK 10.10
@progress push 5%
Parsing headers for Roids4Editor
  Running UnrealHeaderTool "/Users/UserName/Documents/Unreal Projects/Roids4/Roids4.uproject" "/Users/UserName/Documents/Unreal Projects/Roids4/Intermediate/Build/Mac/Roids4Editor/Development/Roids4Editor.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed
Reflection code generated for Roids4Editor in 3.28287 seconds
@progress pop
Performing 7 actions (8 in parallel)
[1/7] Compile Roids4.h
clang: error: no such file or directory: ''
ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: /Users/UserName/Documents/Unreal Projects/Roids4/Binaries/Mac/UE4Editor-Roids4.dylib
Total build time: 9.18 seconds

The crux of the problem appears to be in the line: clang: error: no such file or directory: ‘’

It should be looking in /Users/UserName/Applications/Xcode instead of just “”.

How do I get it to look in the right place? Failing that, where should I put a copy of Xcode 6.1 (renamed to just “”) so it can find it?

Edit: I downgraded to 4.13 and got the exact same error message. (4.15 and newer don’t open at all, so that’s not an option)

Edit again: I downgraded to 4.12 and got the same message again.

Hey Zazelbyj,

I see that you are using UE 4.14, Would it be possible for you to install xcode 8.1?
Some of the earlier versions of Xcode can lead to to unpredictable behavior when compiling with versions of the Engine. For instance, downgrading to 4.12 would require an XCode version of at least 7.3.1 to ensure a stable compilation.

That’s very strange, considering that UE 4.14 is optimized for MacOS 10.10, while Xcode 8.1 was released with MacOS 10.12. Those two shouldn’t play well together at all.

Still, I’ll try it and see whether that helps.

Xcode 8.1 won’t unzip (or unxip). I just get an error message…

“The operation couldn’t be completed. cpio read error: Undefined error: 0”

I guess it’s a moot point anyway. I had a week to write a program using Unreal and C++, and I spent it all trying to get Unreal to work rather than coding. The program is due more or less right about now.

… no, I’m using an older machine and an older OS, which is why I’m using an older version of Unreal. Why would UE 4.14, which I picked because it runs on 10.10, require a version of Xcode that only runs on 10.11.5 or later? What version of UE works with Xcode 6.1?

UE 4.6 should work with Xcode 6.1. Please let me know if you continue to have any trouble using xcode 6.1 with UE 4.6.

Thank you!

“The operation couldn’t be completed. cpio read error: Undefined error: 0”

Is your OSX up to date? Xcode 8 requires a Mac running macOS Sierra 10.12 or OS X El Capitan 10.11.5

“The operation couldn’t be completed. cpio read error: Undefined error: 0”

Is your OSX up to date? Xcode 8 requires a Mac running macOS Sierra 10.12 or OS X El Capitan 10.11.5

Hm, okay. Thank you for your help… but I really needed this a lot quicker. The project that I needed this for is due in about four hours, and my Internet is not that fast, so it’ll take me about two or three of those just to download UE 4.6.

Thanks anyway.

And I just had a chance to try it out today - it doesn’t work. UE 4.6 doesn’t recognize that I have Xcode installed at all. “No compiler was found.”

So… still no go.

Hey Zaelbyj,

I believe the problem may be that you have renamed the file directory as “6.1”, where as unreal looks for xcode through “Applications/Xcode 6.1”. If you rename the file to Xcode 6.1, does the error still persist?

Can you verify the install path for Xcode 6.1?


I never renamed the file. I duplicated it, and renamed the duplicate to “6.1” (and I’ve long since deleted that duplicate). The original Xcode is still in the Applications folder, under that name, where it always was. UE still can’t find it.