Cant find OnActorBeginOverlap for blueprint classes

I am very new to Unreal coming from Unity. I am trying to make a simple elevator that detects the player with a trigger box. I would like to blueprint the elevator instead of creating the nodes in level blueprint so I can use it again in other levels and save it for later. One of the nodes I need to make the trigger work for the elevator is the onActorBeginOverlap node. I can find the OnActorBeginOverlap node when i’m in the level blueprint, but I cant seem to find it for blueprint classes.

I can find a node called OnComponentBeginOverlapEvent for blueprint classes, but I dont know if its the same thing and it automatically adds another node attached to it called Bind event to OnComponentBeginOverlap.

Could someone explain how to do it and also why some nodes are available for level blueprint but not for blueprint classes?

It should be there. Have you tried, right -clicking and searching for “actorbeginoverlap”. It should narrow down to it.

You can also use OnComponentBeginOverlap (just make sure it is from the triggerbox), essentially it is the same, if you have no other components in the Blueprint. Let me know if it helped.

It’s available for actors:

I can find a node called
OnComponentBeginOverlapEvent for
blueprint classes, but I dont know if
its the same thing

It is not, an actor can have many various components. A tree actor can have a trunk component that blocks your path, a corona component that allows leaves to fall and a text render component that shows text when you get close.

Bind event to OnComponentBeginOverlap

This is a delegate, you can register (bind) events that will fire providing something else happens.

I found the BeginOverlap node in a blueprint class, but how do I reference a component for the beginOverlap to use? Such as a triggerbox.

They’re all here:

I figured out that in order to reference a specific component in the blueprint event graph, you need to have it selected in the “components” tab then left click and search for in my case, “onComponentBeginOverlap”, or just begin overlap and it should appear in the list. The available actions in the dropdown box change depending on what type of component you have selected.

In the level blueprint, its called OnActorBeginOverlap, but in blueprints, its called OnComponentBeginOverlap, which do the same thing.

In the level blueprint, its called
OnActorBeginOverlap, but in
blueprints, its called
OnComponentBeginOverlap, which do the
same thing.

They are quite different, actually. What if an actor has several components? Actors and components are 2 different things.