Can't change exposed variables for child component

I have created a power pole actor with some adjustable settings via public variables. Then in the new blueprint, I added this power poles as child components from the class and added cast from its references to the array.

I thought that I can change public variables and adjust them like with an ordinary power pole actor but for some reason changing variables doesn’t affect child component.

Where is your variable used in your child actor? if its in the construction script you may need to rerun your code once you set your actor up.

Yeah there are construction script exposed values. I found this answer but i didn’t understand logic.

My child actors already stored in the array, what I should cast and get to make power pole exposed variables do what they should? When I debug I have found that varibles actually change but don’t apply.

Okay, I have found the solution - move all functionality to the Child actor’s function and set exposed variables as its arguments. Pretty unintuitive.