Texturng or lightmap problems

As you see, at the joints of two objects, a different shade of color is drawn, although the material of the objects is the same, maybe someone knows how to fix it?

On the other side, everything seems fine. but if you turn the shadows the problem returns.


Is it one object or separate meshes?
Could it be that a box reflection capture is overlapping this area?
Could you show lightmap uvs and resolution?

These are multiple objects of the same size. Resolution = 128.

I’m still not sure what is separate and what is not but…
…one side you have directional light hitting the surface: no problem; the other side is the indirect light…
Maybe it’s just shading differences because of the way is light calculated in Unreal /by object/…
Have you tried decreasing indirect lighting smoothness (0.6) under lightmass settings? /you might also need to decrease scale too 0.15/

Thanks! It helped me.