iPhoneX UE4 App - Audio is extremely quiet


After successfully deploying an app to the iPhoneX, the audio is extremely quiet and hard to hear. Even turning up the iPhone’s volume to max doesn’t make it loud enough. We’ve successfully deployed the same app to the iPad Pro and the audio plays back at normal levels. The audio is also correct in Windows builds and in the editor.

Has anyone else encountered this iPhone audio issue or know of a solution?



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Hi there, I’m curious if you are using UE media framework for audio or something else? For us, we use IOS AVKit, and has exactly the same issue, but with following option, the volume returns normal:

AVAudioSession *session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance]; //[[ AVAudioSession alloc ] init ];
[ session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord withOptions:AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker error:nil ];

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately it didn’t work for us but I appreciate the help.

Any luck solving this issue? We are having the same problem. Sometimes audio plays very quiet and others it plays normal. It seems that the audio output for some reason switches between phone call level (ear against the speaker) and speaker phone/music playback mode. This might explain why this problem is only present on phones and not iPads.