How to set float value maximum cap?

I realized that float has a cap somewhere at 10 digits. Is it possible to expand it up to a Vigintillion? (10^63). I’m making an IDLE game (sorry :p), and it requires waaay bigger numbers than a billion. I need the exact numbers for the math, so I can’t cheat like converting it to “1 Billion” and count with billions after that.

Any advice is welcome, thank you guys :slight_smile:

First of all, you probably want integers rather than floats. But there’s a problem anyway: even the largest standard integer type in C++ (unsigned long long) maxes out at 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 which is a far cry from a vigintillion.

I don’t know the size of the BP integer type, though I guess it’s a standard long, so that’s even further from your goal.

So that leaves a few choices: either implement your own bignum class in Blueprint (an insane concept indeed), integrate some external C++ implementation like TTMath (not ideal if you want to go BP only), or cheat (most likely the way to go).

Hi ,

Thanks for your input. Unfortunately, if I would use integers and for example multiply 1 with 1.1
A - nothing happens as it is rounded down
B - I could use Ceil and always round up, but that gives me false data :confused:
I just tested it and integers has the same cap as floats. Sadly I just started using Blueprints and have no clue about C++, this is my first game :slight_smile:

I vote for cheating. Good luck! :slight_smile: