How to earn a living after 99 points in hud

hello everyone, I’m new here, as I do for after I get 99 coins, I earn a living.
example: like the Mario you get 99 coins, and earn a living after 99 coins I helped

so whats your question? also in English in this case it would be gain a life, earn a living is a term used more in the real world for having a job that pays decently well. its a subtle distinction.

have you already set how to earn points? If so, just get event tick on the ThirdPersonCharacter, and plug it in with a branch. and in the condition of the branch get your coin variable and and say (yourcoinvariable) =99 and plug it to the condition. After that in the true (of the branch) execution you decide what to do if your player has 99 coins. If you dont have a variable of coins let me know