Read value of Vive Controller Trigger Axis in C++ ; UE4.20 VR

I’m trying to read the value of the vive controller trigger axis in C++.

I have mapped several names in the settings->Axis Mappings:

ThumbstickRightX → MotionController (R) Thumbstick X
ThumbstickRightY → MotionController (R) Thumbstick Y
TriggerRightAxisValue → MotionController (R) TriggerAxis

Here’s a piece of DefaultInput.ini:


The problem:
when calling:

float axisValue = InputComponent->GetAxisValue(TEXT(“ThumbstickRightX”));

I get a correct X value of the touchpad of the vive controller.

when calling:

float axisValue = InputComponent->GetAxisValue(TEXT(“TriggerRightAxisValue”));

I get an error:
LogPlayerController: Warning: Request for value of axis ‘TriggerRightAxisValue’ returning 0 as it is not bound on this input component.

In blueprints the value is correctly accessed by “Get MotionController (R) TriggerAxis”, and, as I understand, this does not rely on the mapping (bounding) name “TriggerRightAxisValue”
What am I missing?
Why do I get the error and how to fix it?

Restarting/Rebuilding doesn’t work.