Async crash where do I begin?

launching my game to either the pc, or the intended oculus Go results in this Async crash. If I do PIE or Mobile preview everything runs fine.


Event driven loader seems to also crash when it is turned on. The crash is the same-ish. My persistent level is pretty much blank except for the character spawn. In the level BP it calls Load Level Instance for the level “KS” which has only one custom actor in it - Ico_BP (extended BP of my Ico actor class). The ico_bp class is responsible for a series of Load Level Instance calls where it loads the world sections from map files. Having this work in Pie and also in mobile preview is what is really confusing me. What steps can I take to trouble shoot this?

If I turn off Async Loading thread in the project settings the game runs - but doesn’t this defeat the purpose of using load level instance to stream in / out level chunks?