Setup a top-down scroller with distant camera

Hello in my game I need to set a top-down camera at a quite distant position from the player. I see that by default the camera is performing a lot of optimizations based on distance. In my case this is a problem since by default the camera is located at around 50 mt from the player.

I wonder if scaling my entire scene to be around 1:50 of the real world is a good idea. With this solution the camera could be located much closer to the player… but it sounds like a terrible hack. Any suggestions to create a top-down scene?

Hello Birwaker,

If your camera is attached with a spring arm you could modify the spring arm length. If not, setting the camera distance in your Pawn/Character blueprint may be easier than scaling things.

but moving the camera away from the character all the optimizations will take place (as example shadows visibility and quality is worst when shadows are far away from camera). That’s why I’m asking about best practices with distant cameras