DistanceFieldAtlas.cpp Assert Failed Crash Dedicated Server


Whenever a client connected to one of our steam dedicated servers it crashes with an assertion failed in DistanceFieldAtlas.cpp [Line: 392]

This is the code that fails:

// Update the volume texture atlas check(Texture->VolumeData.CompressedDistanceFieldVolume.Num() == Size.X * Size.Y * Size.Z * FormatSize);

We tried to disable it in the config .ini settings: r.GenerateMeshDistanceFields=False but it didn’t help.

Any suggestions? We are deep into crunch-time and really need to QA!

Dennis Andersson

Okay we managed to fix it somehow.

I just placed a breakpoint before the check() assertion and from there I could read the value of the texture property from which I could get the name of the static mesh instance in the world. It was deleted and its now working.