Skipping a sequenced node in Behaviour Tree?


I have a quick question about Behaviour Trees:

I have an enemy and in its BT there is a subtree for attacking the player.
What I want the BT to do, is to

  1. Select an attack
  2. If no attack is viable (because none would hit the player): Reposition yourself (moving to the player and then looking at him)
  3. Execute the attack

Sounds easy enough, however that “if” in 2) causes some problems.
I set the tree up like this:

Now whenever that Blackboard Based Condition is checked and “RepositionRequired” is false (meaning, there is a viable attack selected), it aborts the sequence and thus the whole subtree, being eternally stuck in SelectAction

Is there any way to “skip” this sequence node on the condition that “RepositionRequired” is false?
Alternatively, what are different ways to go at this problem?


Got it already:
Just put a “Force Success” above the condition and the failing sequence state will be inversed into a success, essentially skipping the node if the condition fails.