Blueprint interface issue with hit event


I am working on the simple blueprint which when cube is spawned and falls onto the ground, particle is emitted on the sphere.
The thing is the first spawned cube hit the ground and doesn’t fire the print string and call the BPI.
Second spawned cube hit the ground and fire print string but didn’t fire BPI function in Mover2_BP.

BPI doesn’t have anything inside. it is just simple default one named as BPI cubefall.

I checked collision option of cube and setting is blocked all as physical actor.

Do you have an idea to solve this?

Looks like you are checking a hit event on the cube against another actor and seeing if that actor implements the interface. But in your drawing it looks like the cube hits the “ground” and unless the ground is an actor that implements the interface this would do nothing. If your second cube fell on the first cube then the first cube would execute its interface. Also who is the “mover” BP? this is a confusing set-up that I don’t think is doing what you think it should. I think your hit events are backwards.