Ckeck box has darken brush

Hello everyone! I has a problem with using a check box for options.
That a check box has alot darker brush then Image (or Check Box in toggle button state)
How can i fix that? Does that really a bug or some kind of “feature” ?

Tint & other brush properties are the same, but texture in check box are darker

My eyes are not what they used to be and while I do see it clearly in your image, I’ve added a checkbox and an image to an empty canvas with the same png here:

Can you guess which one is which? To me they look identical (I cheated and colour picked, too, ehm). So, the question is, what else do you have in your widget that could affect it?

Hmm. That interesting, did you use material or texture in brush?

I tried to use different textures, but result the same

In case anyone else finds this and has the same problem, this worked for me:
In the details panel go to: [Style > Foreground Color], remove the [Inherit] check and then set the RGBA values all to 1.


It worked for me too! Thanks for the share :slight_smile: