How to make my charcter switch meshes?

Ok. So I have made my 2 charcters with their animations. I would like to make it when the charcter touches a certain cube I made, the charcter switches to another one. And if they touch it again, it would switch to the other charcter. Is this possible? If so how can I do this or can you link me a tutorial? Thank you so much!

Thanks! Let me check it out!

Oh, it’s definitely possible. Almost anything is possible in Unreal. :wink:

For an easy Blueprint example, take a look at this guide in the Unreal Engine docs. It covers the Possess method in the PlayerController class. Basically, as long as your characters already exist in the level as Pawns (meaning, any class deriving from the APawn class), you can call Possess on them and your PlayerController actor will take control of that character.

Hope that helps!