Android permissons?

I was wondering since I’m saving my score on to my phone as MySave file. Wouldn’t you need android permission:
android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE or INTERNAL_STORAGE. Since Leaderboard (read and write to Leaderboard) app needs to access users storage to retrieve the score. I always see the usual in app purchases permission internet credentials accounts permissions and that’s about it. I guess it deepens on your game which no one seem to care to explain. Seem like everyone who gives out example thinks your creating exact the same type of game.
I think they just don’t think about to tell you that you might need to use different android permissions that go with your game particularly. Cheers.

READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and INTERNAL_STORAGE should be included under extra Android permissions in Settings. Otherwise you’ll have write issues. I had the issue that after the Splash screen i had a blackscreen. The issue was the internal storage permission, which has to be added (for whatever stupidreason it is not Standard). Using UE 4.18. Maybe they have a bugfix already

Thank you!!.