[bug] Inaccurate PIE logs

There’s a pretty bad issue with the PIE Logging.
It’s taking me to an unrelated node.

I’m getting a lot of these errors but I can’t seem to figure out which one causes it. It says
it’s a problem with DynamicCastAs BP_InfantryPawn on return node. But apparently , the entire function has no Cast.

Hi Frozenfire,

Could you post the DynamicCastAs BP_InfantryPawn and the GetAllNearbyCovers .uasset?

  1. I don’t have any asset called "DynamicCastAs BP_InfantryPawn " I’m guessing it’s referring to the Cast to BP_InfantryPawn node? which is a node i use to cast to a child class.

  2. GetAllNearbyCovers is a function within BP_AiController . I’ve posted the uasset here.

  3. GetAllNearbyCovers is only used ONCE in the entire game within BP_AiController. This is a screenshot of where it’s used. There isn’t even any Cast to BP_InfantryPawn in the vicinity of it.

  1. If needed, I don’t mind to give Epic staff access to our SVN to run the whole project. ( only if neccesary ) . I’m not sure if the single .uasset file will run.

[link text][2]

We have seen this error a couple of times internally but it’s not always reproducible. If you could please send a link to download your project? You can Private Message me the link on the Forums.

If I can get it to reproduce in-house I will loop in another one of our developers to look into it.

Done PM_ed you in forum.

Hi Frozenfire,

I have gotten everything to compile fine and I received the same errors each time when it is played. I’m unsure what is the cause. If the node in question is deleted, the ‘Accessed None’ error will just move to another node. This is the same behavior we have seen internally but it normally stops happening after a short time, so it has been hard for us to reproduce.

I have submitted TTP# 343964 into our tracking software and attached your project. Our developers will look into it further. As soon as we have something we will post back here.

Thanks, TJ