Advice for VR multiplayer replication over network?

Can someone please give advice when it comes to replicating data streamed from a device (such as VR headset, AR KIT, Mocap Live Link, etc) over a network?

I am able to replicate locally on my computer, testing with two windows, but when hosting as a listen server, and then having another PC connect to it, the replication doesn’t transmit through.

What might I be missing here?

I already verified my replication method works through the network using an animation sequence, it’s just the VR set up (AR kit to be more precise) that is not working. At most I was able to have the player on the client “activate” his pawn on my screen which just basically duplicated my players animation onto his character (and same thing happening on his PC)

I would first point you here and thoroughly study the contents therein.

Then I would point you to a great Epic Tutorial HERE that explains replication in enough detail to set you well on the right track. Be careful of youtube tutorials about replication that aren’t this official epic one, because most youtubers have no idea what they’re talking about and they make it more confusing at the beginning.

Also study this document thoroughly, keep it handy all the time. - Thanks to eXi for this fantastic learning aid.

Thank you , I appreciate your help!

I think you can also download the example project for the tutorial video from the learn tab of the Unreal Engine Launcher, it’s part of the Content Examples pack that you can get (scroll down till you find it) and set up as a new project, load the Network Features map and you’ll be good to follow along.

Awesome, thats a great idea, thanks!!