Set spring arm rotation creates infinite spin

I’m trying to create a lock-on camera that is also over the shoulder and frame the two characters correctly. Initially I tried to set the control rotation but this resulted in the character being offset. So I moved to decoupling the camera and character to achieve this. Most methods of trying to rotate the camera create jitter so I’m now working with the spring arm instead.

However, when the two characters get close to each other the spring arm rotates around the point it is trying to focus on infinitely causing a loop. I’ve been stuck on this for about a week now and REALLY would appreciate any help anyone can offer here. It’s starting to drive me crazy.

Lock on BP 1

Lock on BP 2

I wouldn’t say I solved this issue specifically, but instead what I decided to do was use a second camera and set that to active instead. This way I don’t need to fudge with the decoupling of camera and character (the new camera spring arm isn’t controlled by the player at all so there’s no fighting - hence no jitter).

This seems to work a lot more elegantly and requiring a lot less work (although I do now need to spawn two camera actors along with my character so I can blend between the two but it’s a small compromise).