Detecting when a child actor component is destroyed


I fail to detect when an child actor is destroyed

I have,

A target (Actor) that I destroy upon X condition

X number of theses actor are attached (Child actor component) to a separate actor where I want to track when they are destroyed


When I destroy the ACTOR A, trough (Get Parent Actor)
then my actor B get also destroyed
When I destroy the ACTOR A trough (Self) then the actor is removed but it does not destroy actor B (That what I want)

(this always output false, even after actor A is destroyed)

QUESTION: How can I know Actor A have been destroyed in the Actor B Blueprint (preferably without using variables or BPInterface)


While I was under the impression that this was indeed only a container, I did NOT find out how to do it so thank you!

Am I missing a reference to the parent here ?
I have no idea what to type to get the box you have

Thank you!

That look like it is a given for you but that helped me a lot :slight_smile:

Have a great night!

Well, when you destroy the child actor - the child actor component actually is still present. Think of the child actor component as a component that contains a reference to the child actor. And if there is a reference then we can check if it’s valid. So this should help you:

If the child is destroyed it will fire the Is Not Valid execution

And if you want to execute something when the child is destroyed, you can override “Destroyed” function in the child.

Type “get child actor” after draging the pin out of the component