Error: TSharedPtr of class with multiple parameter constructor


I have a AttackNode class that looks like this

class ABHIMANYU_API AttackNode
	/** Constructor
	AttackNode(FName AttackTag, UAnimMontage* Montage);
	AttackNode(AttackNode& Other);
	AttackNode(AttackNode&& Other);

And when I try to create a shared pointer like this

TSharedPtr<AttackNode> primary_attack_lvl_1 = MakeShared<AttackNode>("Primary_1_1", primary_1_montage);

I get error saying

Error C2664 ‘AttackNode::AttackNode(AttackNode &&)’: cannot convert argument 1 from ‘const char [1]’ to ‘const AttackNode &’

But if I remove the UAnimMontage* from constructor and have just FName as single parameter it works.

I added copy and move constructors thinking that maybe I need to explicitly create them for TSharedPtr with multiple parameters to work but I still get this error.

As far as I can remember std::shared_ptr never had problems with classes that needs multiple parameters during construction.

Can someone explain what is wrong I’m doing here and what the error is about?

Never mind. False Alarm

At another place in code, i did this

ComboAttackRoot = MakeShared<AttackNode>("");

instead of

ComboAttackRoot = MakeShared<AttackNode>("", nullptr);

Sometimes these template errors throw you off by lighyears from where actual error is