"Failed to find string table entry" for only certain entries?

I’ve been using string tables pretty heavily in a current project, and I’m getting the following warning when running the editor.

LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for 'GameStrings' 'DeviceDisabled'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?

The line in question looks normal to me:

  • I’ve triple-checked my string table, and the entry exists.
  • The text is shown correctly when editing any Blueprints that use it, and when running the game.
  • Only certain table entries show this warning when starting the editor. Other entries that exist in my string table are not mentioned.
  • It seems that these warnings are from strings referenced in both regular Blueprints and UserWidget blueprints.

I’m loading the string table in my FDefaultGameModuleImpl subclass StartupModule function with:

LOCTABLE_FROM_FILE_GAME("GameStrings", "MyProject", "GameStringTable.txt");

What am I doing wrong? It seems that the strings are being referenced by the blueprint before the string table has been loaded?

I know this is an old post, but were you ever able to figure this out? I am having the same issue currently.

Same issue. All my String table entries exist and are read / function correctly. However, when I package, I get many

PackagingResults: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '[myStringTable]' '[myStringKey]'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?

Any idea on how to fix this would be great.



I’m having this issue also. It started showing after I moved my String Table to another folder so it seems to be caused by references not being updated correctly.

Moving the string table back to the old folder resolved the issue for me - but so far I haven’t found a solution where I can actually move the String Table to where I want it to be.

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So I solved it like this:

  1. Scanned my blueprint folder for the missing stringtable with path (e.g. /Game/Assets/CommonWords.CommonWords) using Notepad++. BP’s containing the path are listed
  2. Had a detailed look at the BPs to identify uses of any on the key words and updated / removed those manually

In my case, the badly updated assets were either:

  1. Structs definitions (that always have a default value assigned, which in my case was refering to the missing string table
  2. BPs with ‘loose’ nodes refering to the missing string table

Lucky you!

My project is c++ based, and the very few blueprint I got do not handle text : /

Well… I was searching directly through the .uasset files. Notepad++ is perfect for that because it allows you to look through a whole folder of (binary) files all at once. No editing (because that immediately makes them unusable) but just to help identify where the references show up. This worked for me for blueprintes. In C++ you can identify references in a more direct way I presume.