Fix for UE-51922: Crash with overlapping Combobox?

The following steps can reproduce the crash detailed in issue UE-51922:

  1. Prepare a UI with 2 comboboxes vertically next to each other, and multiple elements (5+) in the top box.
  2. Start the game in Standalone or Build
  3. Move the UI so that the Top Combobox is closer to the bottom edge of the screen than its dropdown’s height
  4. Click the top combobox → The Dropdown opens and touches the bottom edge of the screen / extends past it
  5. The Dropdown should be flickering between 2 positions. If this behavior is not present, the crash will not occur. Try moving the UI and to open the Combobox again.
  6. Click an Entry in the Dropdown that overlaps the bottom Combobox
  7. Observe Crash.

As this issue is logged for the current versions of UE4, but no reproduction steps are given, I hope this report can help with resolving the issue.
My project uses Dropdowns quite extensively and modifying engine-code is not an option for me. If there’s any workaround/help you can offer despite that, I’d be delighted to hear it.