Widgets on actors set to screenspace are placed wrong unless fullscreen

All of my widgets that are attached to actors via widget component and then set to use screenspace are positioned incorrectly unless the editor is launched in a new window PIE, or in immersive mode(F11). all widgets are anchored correctly and should be placed above respective actors. I have attached screenshots. the only thing that changed was an upgrade from 4.19 → 4.20 I’ve been looking for hours for a solution to this but cannot find one. I have attached screenshots of what I am talking about.

Since they are placed correctly if I set my monitor to 1920x1080 and make the window full screen, I am betting it has something to do with the editor not updating viewport resolution or something like that. ANY help is very much appreciated.




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Hey, “Mode Pannel Close”
I Don’t Know Reason. But It Help you