Continuously playback of music during map changes without persistence level

I don’t know if this is allowed but I am reposting an old question as the answers don’t work anymore and I desperately need a fix without using level streaming. I will include a link to the old post below.

Here is the question (Copied from old post):


I would like to have continuous playback of music during map changes, menu to in-game. I know you can create a persistence level to achieve this but since I also want to support custom user made maps I can’t add levels as sub-levels. That solution isn’t just flexible enough. The users must be able to add the maps themselves without recompiling the game or changing any global map that potentially could break maps they added earlier or similar. I tried to steam levels that wasn’t added as a sub-level without any success.

I find the way of achieving continuously playback kinda awkward at the moment. It doesn’t make sense for me to couple 20+ maps in one map just to being able to play background music seamlessly, hopefully there is a solution to this which would explain that.

So is there anyway to achieve continuously playback of music in unreal engine if you have those demands or must I limit the music to only the main menu?


I fixed it, I had “play” sound widgets, instead of “spawn” sound widgets, which last over level changes. It works flawlessly now.