How Do I Teleport Camera Along With Player Character?

I’m a beginner with Unreal Blueprints and I’m creating a simple platformer. I found a video tutorial online about checkpoints and level progression that uses teleportation and I’ve implemented it, but, the camera itself doesn’t teleport with the player (obviously because it isn’t being specified to teleport with the player).

However, this is likely because the camera itself has a sway effect and isn’t snapped to the player, but follows their movement, which is why it has this effect.

So, how do I fix this? How do I make it so that the camera teleport with the player character?

Help would be greatly appreciated.

This is most likely caused by the Camera Lag on the springarm the camera is attached to. Disable it before the teleport and enable it after the teleportation (if desired).

Or get rid of the springarm altogether. Also a solution.

“This is most likely caused by the Camera Lag on the springarm the camera is attached to. Disable it before the teleport and enable it after the teleportation (if desired).”

Nope, it’s disabled.

“Or get rid of the springarm altogether. Also a solution.”

That’s screws up the camera unfortunately.

What the animation shows is camera movement interpolation. Perhaps a manual method is implemented there. Is this from a template that comes with the engine?

That’s screws up the camera

Not sure why it would, you’d have to add a local offset equal to the springarm’s length.

Ah, I saw your third link, yeah it’s the interp doing this. You want to get rid of this completely?

At the moment the code you posted spawns an additional camera. Perhaps all you need is a camera attached to the player.

If you want to maintain the extra camera setup and without changing the existing mechanics, teleport the camera actor with the player, this way the interpolation will still be there (in case you need it later for something else) but with nothing to do during the teleportation.

I got some advice from somewhere else to just drop this blueprint entirely, since the spring arm already has a built in lag function that I never noticed.

Yup, it does.