Why UE-64034 is marked as won't fix?

Hi. I just noticed that AMD Depth buffer with VR bug (Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-64034)) have been marked as “won’t fix”. (BTW, once we had this bug without VR in editor windows in our office, on empty first person example template. We were running R9 290, if I’m correct)

It’s a problem that hurts me (and the game I’m working on) really bad.

Is this issue not caused by ue4 and will be fixed by AMD or Oculus (or someone else)?
If yes, is there any ETA, or issue tracker in third party site?

It would be very problematic if it would be left like that, loosing VR support on AMD cards with ue4. We get a lot of reports from players about that.


It was determined there was a bug in the drivers. (No ETA on fix)

Temporary workaround is to disable Flags.bCompositeDepth in Oculus\OculusVR\Source\OculusHMD\Private\OculusHMD_Settings.cpp


Awesome! Thank for the workaround! *It should probably be added to workarounds in issuetracker aswell)

Where can I find that file? OculusHMD_Settings.cpp. Inside the Editor? inside my program files?

It’d be something similar to

D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.2x\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\Oculus\OculusVR

After change problem not fixed :frowning:

Just in case, another workaround is change the TemporalAA to MSAA.