“Google VR HMD” fails to load

In Unreal Engine (4.20.3, to be specific) I made a project following the [Google VR tutorial] (https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Platforms/GoogleVR/QuickStart) . When I tried to launch it on my Moto G6, I get the following error:

I followed all steps exactly as stood in the tutorial, the only difference is that I enabled armv7 support because my phone has a 32 bit processor:

Does anyone know what happened and how this can be fixed? I’m kinda new to Unreal Engine…
Worth noting: My phone is running Android 8.0, is not rooted, has approximately 10 GB of free space (so there shouldn’t be any storage problems) and has the Cardboard app installed

[Here is the log file][3]. If you will be referencing the log, please note the line number(s) in your answer