Basic grid in UMG with padding issue with scaling

I am trying to achieve a Diablo 2/3 like inventory. Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve:

Notice there are evenly spaced slots with some padding between them.

I have basically the same thing implemented with UMG. I am using a grid panel and then a widget containing a border with an image for the slot. The padding between the image and the border is set to 0.5 currently. When I run my game in Standalone while in fullscreen 1080p resolution, here is how it looks on the screen:

Notice how there is a thicker than normal bar in the middle. This should not be happening when they are all set to .5 padding. The grid itself also has a .5 padding around the outside of the tiles. The scaling only gets worse if you zoom in/out in the actual UMG class, or doing PIE.

Does anyone have any advice on how to tackle this issue?

I am trying to achieve the same thing and i run exactly into the same issue… in 4.19.2

Did you find a fix ?