Character movement speed falls down when rotate by mouse


I found that character movement speed falls down when rotate by mouse.

For example: FPS template (in the red frame)

I need to keep speed during sharp turns.

I tried all character movement component settings but could not find how to turn this off.

Does anyone know how to turn this off?

It has little to do with the character movement component per se, but more with the vector that is used to apply movement to the component. By default it’s using the camera directional vector - if you’re looking into the ground, you’re moving into the ground, kind of. Use actor’s or capsule’s vector instead:

FPS template by default using GetActorForwardVector

It looks like this on my end:

Either yours or mine is outdated. Can’t tell.

Anyway, using actor’s fwd vector for this seems to work just fine, you can look at you feet and still move fast.

Image from Gyazo

I have another problem.

Character movement speed falls down when rotate by mouse

For example, in my video using horizontal rotate

Thanks for help anyway

You’re doing something with time dilation, hard to tell without seeing the code.

It’s a FPS template.

Time dilation need to show my problem more

This time dilation code:


No more changes

I am sorry but I do not understand the problem, even in the included video the mouse rotation speed seems quite fast.

Character movement speed falls down
when rotate by mouse

What would you expect to happen? On my end, the template works pretty well. It behaves pretty much like every other FPS games.

i’m sorry. I don’t know English well enough

I updated video when i highlighted the problem with a red frame

Updated video

I need to keep speed during sharp turns