How to create a plane mesh by c++ code and spawn it on some position?

I need to create multiple plane meshes and want to spawn them on some positions with some random scale.I know that I can spawn UE4’s plane actors but at the time of spawning i need to sort their UV’s according to their scale factor.
Can i do it in C++??

You have multiple options for building your own meshes. Check out UProceduralMeshComponent that is part of the engine as a plugin

Alternatively, use this: Runtime Mesh Lite in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

Use the library to build your quads. To build a quad, create 4 vertices and 3+3 indices for your 2 triangles

Thanks Ali
I will check out the UProceduralMeshComponent of the engine.
I will let know once I’m done with creating a quad