How do I discriminate server or client code in Automation Test?


While writing some testing code using the unreal’s automation framework, I tried to import a variable from the PlayerController of my project, then I found out that I can get the pointer of PlayerController using UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(), but only the server version. The variable I need only resides within the client version of PlayerController.
Is there a way to designate which version of the code to access?

Thanks for the advise. Now I can get the correct PlayerController like this:

    const TIndirectArray<FWorldContext>& WorldContexts = GEngine->GetWorldContexts();
    for (const FWorldContext& Context : WorldContexts)
        if (Context.World() != nullptr)
            if (Context.WorldType == EWorldType::PIE)
                world = Context.World();
    	    for (auto Iterator = world->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
                    APlayerController* PlayerController = Iterator->Get();
                    if (!PlayerController->HasAuthority())
    		    // This is the client playercontroller I need, do whatever the rest here.