Kinect4Unreal plugin for 4.20

is anybody able to use the K4U kinect plugin for 4.20? It seems that it is not properly build. Any idea to solve this problem? (I already send a mail to Opaque).

Didn’t know it existed, looks like you’ll have to build your own.

it probably hasnt been updated to the new version yet. you may have to wait awhile for a update if its still supported.

There is a downloadable plugin on the Opaque site : Kinect 4 Unreal — Opaque Media Group but it doesn’t work with 4.20… And I’m not skill enough to compile a plugin by myself…

Provide more information please, what is exactly happening?

are you having trouble installing the plugin or with using it? to install it you should just have to download it, unzip it, then place it in the plugins folder ( in your file system …/unrealEngine/ue_4.20/engine/plugins or something like that).

I did the installation properly. But the opening stops at 70% with the instruction “Kinect4Unreal could not be found”


I did the installation properly. But the opening stops at 70% with the instruction “Kinect4Unreal could not be found”