Would i be able to recreate my current Inventory with UMG + Some additional things

Hello everybody,

to be honst, at the moment i don’t have a subscription running, because i want to reenable it by hand every now and than if something great gets offered in an update.

So i’m waiting for the UMG Tool 2 Weeks now and what i’ve seen from the Preview on youtube is quite nice.

But before i try getting everything to work with UMG, i want to get some information about what is possible with it.

My current inventory is just made with the HUD Class. Some Draw Text and Draw Simple Texture Nodes that get their Text and Texture from a Struct Array that represents my Inventory.
It’s working fine so far, but i want to have the editable textboxes and some more control over everything.
UMG seems to give me all of this but you Staff guys are saying “not everything is working” a bit too often for me to believe that i can recreate the inventory without running into problems.

Just to make sure if it would be possible, here is a list of what i need for UMG to work:

  • Changing Buttons Textures with a loop from a Struct Array.
    • So it checks if their is an item in the array and only than draws the texture of the item
  • Dragging these Icons to other Slots and changing its place in the array
    • Im currently doing this by checking the hitbox im over when i release the mouse and its name is a number, so i assign the item i was holding to the new slot (with a temp variable to store the item in the slot and so on…)

I guess the rest like displaying the icons with a loop should be possible in the way it was done with the setting in the preview.

But is it easy to move an icon along with the mouse and lock this item to a new slot?
With the HUD i needed to calculate the position and save them matching the index of the item in the struct array.

Sorry if these questions are stupid, but i really want to make sure, that i don’t waste time on UMG right now.

(: Thanks for the answers.

Not only might you run into problems, but if we find a show stopper, we may have to change a lot of the API with no backwards compatibility, resulting in lost work. The chance of that is probably low-ish, but better to warn about the possibility. We’re not kidding when we say experimental :slight_smile:

In any event, I would wait for 4.5, drag/drop is non-existent in 4.4, which is something you require.


Hm ok, but i could use UMG for the main menu to let the player enter an ip adress and his name or?

Yeah, definitely :slight_smile:

Got another small question for you:

UMG is the graphical version of slate. Or it is slate, you know what i mean.
If i would manage to understand Slate in Code, would i be able to recreate the inventory? I mean, it’s harder and you will improve UMG, but i could also learn Slate itself. :confused:

UMG is a visual designer for slate, it achieves this by wrapping all the slate widgets inside of UObjects so that they can be exposed to gameplay code. If you decide to do anything in slate, it won’t be transferable, in that you can’t just open it up in the designer later. To use slate and UMG together, youd need to wrap any custom slate widgets inside a UWidget to expose them to the designer and the rest of the UMG system.