different text drawn on multiple instance of the same objects

i want each objects of the same staticmesh i put on the map, to have another text (from an arraylist) get drawn on to the object.

i place the object first time, it draws text1 on object texture
i place the object a second time, it draws text2 on object texture and so on…

is this possible to do with blueprints?

Yes it is possible and it is not difficult. If your strings are in an array then you can make a integer variable starting at 0 that increments every time you spawn one of those meshes, just not until after you use it to index the array of strings and get the next string to attach to the mesh.

Do you know how to add text in the world using widget components?

Oh you want the text on the texture. So widgets are not the way to go.
I don’t know how to Do that yet