Is UE4's Random 'seed' different each time?

I am using the Random Integer in Range to spawn various actors during gameplay. I’m curious if it’s actually a different random each time? For example, if if things are spawned normally as 1,2,3,4,5, the random makes it 3,5,2,4,1. If I restart my level, does that random order change or will it shuffle it with the same random order? It need to to never be the same random. I want to know that the seed was different.

I am using the Random Integer in Range
to spawn various actors during
gameplay. I’m curious if it’s actually
a different random each time?


For example, if if things are spawned
normally as 1,2,3,4,5, the random
makes it 3,5,2,4,1. If I restart my
level, does that random order change
or will it shuffle it with the same
random order?

It will change.

If you need a consistent random, look into streams.

It would have taken you less time to test it out than to post this. Just saying.

also note you could end up getting the same number twice. for your example 3 5 2 3 1.