How do I stop unwanted fresnel?

Hey all,

I’m trying to set up a skydome blueprint complete with clouds-- in my case, they’re polygonal.

They look good during the day and at sunset, but when we hit night time, Unreal Engine’s default shader model kicks in with its fresnel goodness…

My roughness is set to 1, and my specular is set to 0. I’m at a loss as to what else to do to get rid of the x-ray look caused by the frensel. Anybody know what to do? Do we break into the shader code and change things-- if so, how?


I discovered that you can only see the “x-ray” patterns when the eye adaptation settings are turned on, when the scene is at very low light levels. I learned you can set the bounds of the eye adaptation feature, which in my opinion doesn’t emulate the human eye very well, it mimics more of a long-exposure film on a camera. Here is the result of setting these bounds properly:

Thanks for taking a look!