Subsurface not working with stationary lights?

I can’t seem to find a way to have subsurface showing up on my static meshes as soon as I build the lighting in my level. Am I right by assuming SSS only work with movable dynamic lights and not stationary lights even though stationary provide some dynamic features such as specular ?

Also the light source radius has no effect on stationary lights, is this by design or something missing ?

Right now if I want SSS + nice smooth penumbras with a large light source radius, I have to use both a Movable light and a Static light.

Yes this is a current limitation of static shadowing unfortunately. It’s a bummer because SSS works nicely and static shadowing works nicely, but right now they just can’t get along, because static shadowing only stores shadowing as if the surface were opaque.

Also the light source radius has no effect on stationary lights, is this by design or something missing ?

The light source radius does have an affect on the shape of the specular lobe of a stationary light. In the future we hope to have area shadowing for the static shadowing from stationary lights, whose penumbra size is controlled by the light source radius.

SSS do work nicely indeed :slight_smile:
For now having both lights works for me anyway.


I meet the same problem with subsurface and building light. I am following the Unreal doc [Using Subsurface Scattering in Your Materials][1] in UE4.14 .

Before building map, there was a nice Subsurface just as the doc shows:

But after building light, it becomes this:

How did you manage to solve this problem? @ue4-archive

Many thanks,