Animação de Carro

Olá. Alguém sabe ensinar como fazer uma animação simples de carro em terceira pessoa. Tipo, estou fazendo um jogo simples que eu dirijo um carro e outros ficam andando enquanto dirijo. Tentei fazer uma animação simples com level sequence, mas as rodas do carro não giram. Obrigado.

I don’t know Portuguese but it sounds like you’re asking how to make a simple game where you can drive a car, then get out and walk around, and also how to make the roads. But it also sounds like you want it to be a cutscene sequence. So I’m not sure if you’re asking how to do both controlled vehicle and pedestrian movement and a level sequence, or just one of those, but it sounds like you need to look up several tutorials, as your question is actually going to be many questions.

You would be best off looking up tutorials on the following things:

  • Level Sequencer
  • Vehicle Pawns
  • Player Controllers and Possession of Pawns
  • Character Pawns
  • How to import Characters and their animations into Unreal
  • How to import Vehicles into Unreal.
  • How to make Spline Meshes and Roads.