MediaPlayer video looping playback is not seamless (brand new project, 1 media player, [ ]Auto Clear, [X] Looping)

Step by step repo:

  1. New Project

  2. Add Media Player

  3. [X] Video Output MediaTexture Asset

  4. Drag in Movie

  5. Play

  6. **Looping is not seamless. About 50% of the times it loops - it flashes black and the Pause button grays out and the Play button lights up for a very very small amount of time. **

Settings in Media Player:

[X] Play on Open

[ ] Shuffle

[X] Looping

Settings in Media Texture:

Compression Settings - Default

[X] sRGB

[ ] Auto Clear

Clear Color - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0




Windows 10


Video files used were seamless in 4.17


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