Issues spawning ACullDistanceVolume

I have been trying to spawn in an ACullDistanceVolume, but every time I compile Visual Studio gets an unresolved external symbol error. I do have “Engine/CullDistanceVolume.h” included and have been using GWorld->SpawnActor. This is on Engine version 4.3.1.
What have I been missing?

Code example that generates the error for me:

#include "Project.h"
#include "Classes/GameMode_Project.h"
#include "Engine/CullDistanceVolume.h"

AGameMode_Project::AGameMode_Project(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
	: Super(PCIP)
{ }

void AGameMode_Project::StartPlay()
{       Super::StartPlay();
	if (GEngine)
		ACullDistanceVolume* CullDist = GWorld->SpawnActor<ACullDistanceVolume>(ACullDistanceVolume::StaticClass());