[Structure]Save player specific input and use it later


I’ve already read some guides and looked some video tutorials, but it seems that I haven’t got it fully yet.

My current solution is based on the video guide from Vigeo James “UE4 Save/Load” Tutorial with structures.

My Scenario:
There is an widget blueprint existing, which should catch some specific player information and handover them for further interaction later. (Showing content later on other widget)

  • Player name
  • company name
  • country
  • logo

As I’ve already learned, I have to store them, so I decided to use a Structure and try to get the information in a Savegame file.

  • Blueprint: PlayerSelection → Widget shows 2x editable text boxes and 2 defined (atm static) 2d structures
  • Variables: PlayerVarStruct, SavedGame, LoadGame
  • SaveGame: PlayerSaveGame → holds structure variable “SaveStruct”
  • Structure1: PlayerInfo → 2x Editable text variables (PlayerName, Company Name) + 2 Texture 2D (Country, CompanyLogo)
  • Structure2: SavedVariables (Duplicate of Structure1)

I built the solution from video tutorial step by step and adapted it into this solution:

As far as I understood and can see on the file directory, an savegame is created.
Can anyone check please and give me a feedback:

  • Working solution or not
  • Confirm, this is the right way to handle this

I have also adapted this logic, but I’m not sure how to implement consistent.

On my current understanding:

  • Before Player Selection, there is a loading game button, so I have to implement True Branch there on click.

As alternatives, I’ve learned I have to use

  • Gamestate to store and replicate data (Best Practice for MP?!)
  • GameInstance for solo or any other persistent “parent”
  • WidgetSwitcher as indexer to share data between Widgets (do yo recommend this?)

I’ve now tried so many times for couples of hours, but every thread or video im looking is confusing me more.
I want to get this working and in general store data, so I can use them over blueprints, this is currently my main showstopper, I can’t extend my game mechanics without this basic.
I’ll highly appreciate every advice, thanks for your time!

Best regards