Moving actor from point A to point B smoothly

Hello, I just want to da a simple (move to location * delta.Time) thing. I looked this post

Moving actor from one point to another smoothly

But this is not a thing as i want .In this post it makes move A point to B smoothly, its okey but always it arrives at same time. If you change your distance (( example : if you go further from B point actor(that i wish to move) moves faster, or if you come close to point B actor moves slower. I want the actor always move in same speed. How can i make it ?
I couldn’t find any answer for this in the forum
Can someone please help me ?
Thanks you. :slight_smile:

Okey, Thank you very much for your help it worked :)))


You would want to use the vInterpToConstant node. This node interpolates between two vec3 at the same speed while taking frame time into account.


You’re welcome, glad I could help. :slight_smile: Have a good day/night/morning/afternoon, etc!