Sceletal mesh issue after migrating to UE 4.21


We met an issue with sceletal meshes on UE 4.21 and mobile platform (mobile preview and on mobile devices). One of our sceletal mesh disappeared and we can see in logs.

LogSkinnedMeshComp: Warning: SkeletalMesh karta_bind_pose, is not supported for current feature level (ES2) and will not be rendered. NumBones 9 (supported 75), HasExtraBoneInfluences: true

So it’s just not rendered, but why ? What does it mean ? It works well on previous UE versions (we used 4.18, 4.19, 4.20 before)

Facing the same issue, my skeletal mesh works in 4.20 but not in 4.21 on ES2

Can anyone from Epic support help with this ? This issue really stops development and migrating to new version!

Hi guys,

I also had this problem and found the information in the forum: For SM4 (D3D10) and SM5 (D3D11) the maximum influence is 8. For ES2 (Mobile), the maximum influence is 4.Your 3D object (SkeletalMesh) can not have more than 4 bone (joints) influences per vertex, so you need to correct it in the 3D modeling tool (Maya, Blender, etc).


Why did it work with UE 4.20 then? I’m using the default UE skeleton with a custom mesh from the asset store and I’m having this problem. How can I reduce “influence” without a 3D modeling tool?

solution is just export your skmesh in 3d program. And change the max bones effect to 4 . In 3ds max select your mesh in skin modifier . In advance perameters. Change the bones affect limit to 4. Then again export your mesh to ue4.

I too would like to know this. I’m using an asset I bought, so no maya files included :c