Can't connect to pc server from android, incompatible_unique_net_id after updating to 4.20

When i hosted a server on pc and tried to connect to it from Android in 4.18 everything worked fine. When i updated to 4.20 the server crashed on a check during Register when checking if the sent uniqeid was of the same type as server’s onlinesubsystem.

When i updated to 4.21 the server doesn’t crash but it fails to login and prints incompatible_unique_net_id from the method PreLogin in GameModeBase. The reason is the same as before. The Pc’s online subsystem is NULL, and the uniqueid type is GooglePlay.

Does anybody know how to work around this issue? Should i not use OnlineSubsystemNull on the server use OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay? Or should i change the type of the uniqe id to match the server type somewhere?

I’m having the same problem.