How do I prevent HMD player camera clipping through walls?

I have a basic camera manager attached to my player controller. That camera manager is set to follow HMD orientation and this works as I want. Looking around does not rotate the player character which is how I want things to work. However, when using the DK2 with positional tracking if you lean far enough, you can lean through bsp objects and see outside of the level. Is there any way to prevent this from happening? I tried adding a simple sphere to the Camera Manager blueprint and changing it’s collision settings, but nothing seemed to happen.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


you could probably just clamp your relative position camera vector in relation to your root. the problem with this is that it will take away from your virtual reality experience. hitting an object in virtual reality that stops your camera, doesn’t stop your head in reality, so there will be a psychological disconnect in your experience.