Event ActorOverlap only once?

Hello everyone
I having a problem with my blueprint bode where everytime I attack it hits the enemy multiple times which I dont want. I use collisions on my countess(paragon assest)swords. I have tried DoOnce but that doesn’t work.

  • You should drag OverlappedActor to Countess not GetPlayerCharacter as Object.
  • You should test overlap on your Sword Collision not the whole Countess character (your actual setup won’t work).
  • Better using CapsuleCollision overlaps so you can access overlapped components and cast to SwordCollision.

is It possible if you could take a screen shot of what the blueprints is supposed to look like with these changes(my swords is attached to my mesh and the collision is on the mesh)

Following your setup, you can try this and check “is attacking” afterwards

Otherwise, you can put things on your CountessCharacter