Camera Setting for Mobile on Portrait

Hi there!I’m trying to develop something 3D for mobile for personal study and experimentation, but i’ve got a problem i really don’t know how to solve (but i’m sure it’s quite simple, it’s just that i’m a newbie for this thing)

How can i set the camera for portrait mode?I tried to search around on the internet, but it seems that people only do stuff based on 2D or landscape view.

The thing i’m trying to do is something with a high fixed camera on a rectangular arena, the arena is supposed to “fill” the entirety of the camera. Some people says “set the aspect ratio of the camera to 0.5625 and all will be good” but the elements stretch vertically (ofc for the aspect ratio, i know, i know)So, how is intended to setup the view for a mobile game with 3d elements in portrait? Am i so much a rookie?

Here’s a screenshot of the result on the left compared to the editor viewport on the right:

I’m launching the test on “selected viewport” and in new editor window 720x1280, that’s why i don’t understand that difference, I’m missing something maybe?

Yup I already checked it, just tried event to set the fov to 90° that is the default value


What exactly your phone screen size? Because 0,5625 is works only very well on 16x9 screens.

But basically, you can calculate and set it.

AspectRatio = ShortEdge/ LongEdge like → 0.5265= 1080/1920

You check constrain aspect ratio in camera settings ??

I found it this forum thread. FOV = FOV* AspectRatio

The problem is that I use a fixed camera in the scene, not a camera attached to an actor
Here’s a screenshot of the idea, it’s like a Puzzle Bobble or many mobile games, where the camera is fixed and just films the scene, won’t move at all.
And here’s a difference between the [camera vision][1] and the [viewport vision][2]