Blueprint with light and mesh can't constrain to physics

I’m a beginner.
I am trying to have a lamp, that is constrained by physics with a light inside attached. (so they move together with physics enabled)
I had the lamp working with the Constrain physics actor, but when I added a light in a blueprint to the mesh it fails.
I used attach to component with an event begin play that I seen in another video.
But When I press play the lights fall to the ground(not what I want) with the lamps attached.(which is working correctly)
The error I get is ‘attempting to create a joint between objects that are both static. No joint created’
I’ve looked around and it seems there are answers… But they are for seemingly much more complicated tasks and I can’t read between the lines in the event graph editor yet. I just can’t figure out how to make the blueprint not static? I have the mesh inside the blueprint as moveable and physics enabled, the light is also in the moveable setting.
Help. Thanks!