Slate - Scrollable content


I want to use scrolling inside some of my game widgets. I have large and complex content (text + pictures + menus…) and I’d like to be able to put it inside a scroll box, just like a web browser does for example.

I don’t really care about scroll bars, most of the time the content is going to be ~1.5x larger than the box. I just need basic vertical scrolling.
I could do it myself but so far there is something in UE4 for pretty much anything, so…



It’s just a container for a widget (or widgets, like an SVerticalBox), and allows vertical scrolling if the content is larger than the view area. I believe we’re looking at making it scroll horizontally too, but it currently doesn’t support that.

Yes, yes !

This is very good, I wasn’t hoping anything nearly as good.

Thanks !